Friday, November 28, 2014

Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA  19104 USA

Drexel University, School of Education invites applications for an Early Childhood Education faculty member at the Assistant or Associate Professor level with a focus on primary grades language and literacy development.  This is a tenure track line and would require the individual to have accomplished a well-established and distinguished program of scholarship as well as an exemplary teaching record for an appointment at the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.  As a faculty member, the scholar will join colleagues in the Department of “Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum.”  The successful candidate will have an earned doctorate in Early Childhood Education, or closely related field.  In association with the School of Education’s current needs and our increased involvement in Philadelphia-regional urban education issues, we seek an individual with substantive expertise in primary grades language and literacy development in association with diversity, inclusiveness, and urban education, as well as classroom teaching experience at the kindergarten – 4th grade levels.

The individual will be expected to teach and develop courses, engage in appropriate program development, collaborate with other faculty, and advise students in the School of Education’s undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs as appropriate, including students on campus and online.  The development of a research program on early childhood language and literacy development is also an expectation for the position.  The individual will also be expected to seek external funding as well as fulfill the professional obligations of a faculty member within a research intensive university.

The successful candidate should establish themselves as a scholar in the School of Education at Drexel University through:
·      Engagement in a program of applied developmental research on early childhood education that is relevant to educational and other settings;
·      Work in school readiness and the transition to the primary grades, including children at risk for academic and developmental problems across this transition;
·      Work with early learning environments, both in the home and in other education and care settings;
·      Work in and demonstrate appreciation for early childhood policy, intervention, and/or effectiveness research;
·      Demonstrated commitment to studying children in urban settings and in ethnic minority and/or immigrant families, or families affected by disabilities;
·      Demonstrated commitment to engaging in scholarship that advances our understanding of how socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, immigrant status, and disability impact early childhood development and learning.
Drexel University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and encourages applications from women, members of minority groups, disabled individuals, and veterans. Drexel University and the School of Education are interested in candidates who are committed to the highest standards of scholarship and professional activities, and to the development of a campus climate that supports equality and diversity.

All applicants should provide a cover letter describing their research agenda and teaching experience, a curriculum vitae, two examples of their scholarship, and a list of five references.

Online applications are required.  Please apply at: Review of applications will begin 9 January 2015. For inquiries, please send an email to the Search Committee Chair, Dominic F. Gullo, Ph.D. at

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